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  1. BE PART OF IT….. PARTICIPATE – Show up. You have to be there (write thoughtful comments to be credible).
  2. SHARE EVERYTHING – Social media is NOT about Blogs. Social media IS about People.  People make the media.  People are blogs: People are forums: People are message boards. A blog is “just” a tool, they all are more then Social Media, they must be SHAREABLE MEDIA.
  3. PLAY FAIR –  No need for further explanations.
  4. HOLD HANDS AND STICK TOGETHER – HUMBLE HYPERLINK – THE POWER OF WORDS Humble hyperlinks to highlight and really exploit the power of words. Be sure you talk to others (not to yourself). Look who’s talking, but also look who’s listening. Understand and differently leverage who is a listener and who is a listening influencer.
  5. SAY YOU’RE SORRY WHEN YOU HURT SOMEBODY – …And do it now!! Acknowledging your mistakes raise your credibility.
  6. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY Don’t misrepresent who you are, who you work for, what is your personal and professional interest in communicating. Es. Hi, I’m Gary Goldhammer from Edelman and this is my client.
  7. BE YOURSELF –  Even when handling issues or crisis (look at a YouTube Video “A day in the life of airport operations” by Southwest Airelines).
  8. LIVE A BALANCED LIFE – Get online sometimes, not averytime! And most of all, live a first life, not only a Second Life!!

(via) Tratte da All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten)

In Italiano le trovate qui, meritavano il guest blogging e la condivisione.

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